Gina Hartsfield
Vice Chair of the IIR Board of Trustees
Senior Advisor

Gina Hartsfield is the vice chair of the Board of Trustees, and a senior advisor, of the Institute for Intergovernmental Research (IIR).
As senior advisor, Ms. Hartsfield provides strategic guidance and experience from serving the criminal justice community for more than 35 years. With an emphasis on partnerships, communication, and service, she has a proven ability to engage with stakeholders to solve problems, create a shared vision, and establish strategic goals and objectives for projects and organizations.
In addition, Ms. Hartsfield's experience includes working with law enforcement leaders on strategic initiatives that advance best practices in policing in the areas of violent crime reduction, law enforcement training, information sharing, investigations management, and risk mitigation. Ms. Hartsfield possesses extensive experience in leading a wide range of complex, national-level technical assistance initiatives designed for state, local, and tribal criminal justice entities.
Prior to becoming vice chair of the Board, Ms. Hartsfield served as chair of the Board from January 2023 to September 2024 and as president and chief executive officer of IIR from March 2018 to December 2023. While in these roles, she was integrally involved in establishing and leading strategic direction, management, and policy issues as well as project design and program oversight. Ms. Hartsfield also previously served as IIR's chief operating officer (COO). While serving as COO, Ms. Hartsfield directed the Learning and Development and Criminal Justice Initiatives groups, including the Office of Applied Research and the Office of Law Enforcement Advisement and Coordination, enabling her to develop and guide new projects for IIR while remaining focused on current issues and trends within the law enforcement community.
During her career with IIR, Ms. Hartsfield has contributed to each of the company’s diverse components. Her comprehensive knowledge and collaborative approach enable her to effectively lead her team in achieving IIR’s mission. Her responsibilities and contributions are also evident in the administrative, personnel, and financial aspects of IIR.
Ms. Hartsfield has been integrally involved in guiding assessment and evaluation efforts, developing strategic approaches, ensuring transparent communications and collaboration, managing and implementing policy, and providing training and technical assistance development and delivery oversight.
Prior to joining IIR in 1986, Ms. Hartsfield served on the research and development team with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. Ms. Hartsfield holds a bachelor of science degree in criminology from Florida State University.