Insight Labor Trafficking Webinar
While investigating suspected instances of labor trafficking, investigators must consider a series of steps involved in building a successful labor trafficking case that includes victim recruitment, case discovery and management, case prosecution, and the resulting response from victim services providers. As part of the collaborative Partnerships to Address Labor Trafficking project between IIR and the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, the IIR staff and leading subject-matter experts developed and hosted a webinar exploring and discussing the life cycle of a labor trafficking case. Investigators benefited from expert firsthand knowledge that demonstrated a holistic approach to investigating these complex cases.
This collaborative project and developed resources aim to improve awareness, responsiveness, and accountability among law enforcement, businesses, communities, and other stakeholders on labor trafficking.
For more information about labor trafficking, please visit View webinar.
Related Focus Area
Our team is dedicated to delivering meaningful resources within a variety of focus areas to support law enforcement and the criminal justice field. Learn more about our focus area(s) related to Labor Trafficking Webinar and more!
Develop products and resources to assist agencies in understanding and combating labor trafficking.