Lee Miller
Chief of Special Initiatives
Senior Vice President

Lehew “Lee” Miller is a senior vice president and the chief of special initiatives for the Institute for Intergovernmental Research (IIR). In this position, Mr. Miller leverages his experience in criminal justice, information sharing, technology, and integration of systems, as well as his experience as a law enforcement executive and former director of the Virginia Fusion Center, to support IIR in identifying opportunities where IIR can provide vital services to the criminal justice field.
Prior to his appointment as senior vice president, Mr. Miller served as IIR’s president and chief executive officer (CEO). As CEO, Mr. Miller leveraged his law enforcement executive knowledge, prior experience in state government, work on national criminal justice initiatives, and efforts building trusted relationships to maximize IIR’s support to its clients and partners, the field, and the communities they serve. Mr. Miller also previously served as IIR’s chief operating officer from November 2020 to December 2022.
Mr. Miller served as senior manager of IIR’s Center for National Policy Engagement and Information Sharing section, which includes the Bureau of Justice Assistance Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative (Global), the Criminal Intelligence Coordinating Council, U.S. Department of Homeland Security information sharing efforts, 28 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 23, and the Southwest Border Rural Law Enforcement Training and Technical Assistance Program. Mr. Miller served as lead support for the Global Advisory Committee and the Global Executive Steering Committee.
Mr. Miller retired from the Virginia State Police (VSP) in 2019 with the rank of major. While serving with the VSP, he held supervisory/command-level positions, in which he oversaw functions such as intelligence, communications, information technology, legal, criminal justice information services, property and finance, human resources, and training.
In 2016, Mr. Miller oversaw the development of the VSP’s Information and Communications Technologies Division (ICTD). In this role, he ensured the success of the newly formed ICTD and developed policies and operating procedures. During this time, Mr. Miller became the agency’s information technology resource and served as the primary point of contact between the VSP and the Virginia Information Technologies Agency.
In 2004, Mr. Miller was tasked with the development of the Virginia Fusion Center (VFC). That year, all requirements, staffing, policies, and procedures were developed, and in February 2005, Mr. Miller developed a virtual fusion center to test the resiliency of the center. From 2005 through 2013, he was the first director of the VFC and was heavily involved in national initiatives such as the Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Initiative (NSI); baseline capabilities; liaison officer programs; the protection of civil rights and civil liberties; and the development of fusion center guidelines, policies, and procedures.
During his 27-year career with the VSP, Mr. Miller was selected as a member, chair, or co-chair for 27 state and national workgroups, committees, advisory boards, steering committees, and associations. Through this involvement, he has had an opportunity to lead change, lead people, provide results, and build coalitions. His involvement with national workgroups has provided him a strong understanding of national best practices as they relate to information sharing, homeland security, communications, planning, information security, and law enforcement.
Mr. Miller holds a bachelor’s degree in history and geography from Emory & Henry College. He is also a graduate of the National Criminal Justice Command College at the University of Virginia.