Terri Pate
Senior Vice President
Director, Center for Justice and Public Health Initiatives

Terri Pate
is a senior vice president of the Institute for Intergovernmental Research (IIR) and director of the Center for Justice and Public Health Initiatives. In her current capacity, she manages the Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Use Program (COSSUP); the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP); the Opioid Affected Youth Initiative (OAYI); and the Suicide Fatality Review (SFR) program. She is responsible for providing oversight and strategic direction regarding COSSUP, PDMP, OAYI, and SFR activities and serving as IIR’s primary point of contact with Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) and Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention program leadership. Ms. Pate is also responsible for client relations; collaboration and coordination with partners and training and technical assistance (TTA) providers on program development and delivery; strategic planning; and ensuring that TTA delivery by the COSSUP, PDMP, OAYI, and SFR programs is evidence-based, focuses on measurable outcomes, and promotes capacity building within communities to help achieve sustainable projects and programs.
Ms. Pate formerly served as senior manager overseeing IIR’s support to several information sharing-focused projects, including the Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative, the National Information Exchange Model Project, the National Juvenile Justice Information Sharing Training and Technical Assistance Project, and the Crime Analysis Capability Building Project. Ms. Pate managed, coordinated the activities of, and provided strategic direction to those projects and served as the primary point of contact with BJA leadership.
Prior to joining IIR, Ms. Pate served as program administrator over the Investigations and Forensics Services Unit of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) in Tallahassee, Florida. She was responsible for developing and implementing policy, supporting domestic security initiatives, strategic planning, reviewing budget and resource allocations, and serving as project lead on numerous projects.
During her 18-year tenure with FDLE, Ms. Pate held numerous other positions, including crime intelligence analyst in the Florida Intelligence Center, management review specialist in the Investigations and Forensics Program, and senior management analyst supervisor in the Research and Development Unit. Her duties in these positions included providing intelligence and analytical support primarily in the areas of organized crime, fraud, and narcotics; serving as Florida’s liaison to INTERPOL; coordinating management assessments, justification reviews, and audits of various functions and programs within FDLE; monitoring performance-based budgeting efforts departmentwide; research and development of automated management systems and related policy development and enhancement; analysis of forensic and investigative data for use in resource allocation and justifications; and liaison to seven regional offices regarding FDLE’s investigative strategy, automated management systems, and performance-based budgeting.
Ms. Pate holds a bachelor’s degree in criminology from Florida State University. She is also a graduate of the charter class of FDLE’s Foundational Leadership Program and a former assessor for the Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation.